Feature film
Germany | Argentina | 1995
Digital | 35 mm | 114 min
Language · Spanish
Subtitle · English
Dubbed version · German
Filming locations · Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia
Co-production · Malena Filmproduktion with Telefilm Saar (Germany) and Chelko Producciones (Argentina)

Amigomío tells of the relationship between a young father and his son. It is also about the repeated rootlessness and the quest of an Argentinian man of german-jewish origins, for the possibility of a latin-american identity. Carlos Löwenthal is almost 30 and is an unemployed academic.
In the Thirties, his parents had to leave Europe into exile – now history repeats itself within him.
Their fate is that of many thousands in the world today; emigrants, who have to leave their home countries for economical or political reasons. Carlos and his wife Negra have split up recently. Just as Negra and Carlos can come together again, Negra is suddenly abducted and both father and son have to leave the country. Now, Carlos and Amigomío are getting to know each other better. They begin a strange journey to Ecuador through different Latin American countries, meet peculiar people, take dilapidated trains and busses, roam through the Andes and reach Quito where they have to start a new life. Carlos misses his country and Negra. Amigomío, not being burdened by memories, is able to adjust much better and becomes a Quito kid. He wants to be Ecuadorian, but his father wants to remain Argentinian. The conflict is unavoidable.
Cast & Crew
Script | Director · Jeanine Meerapfel | Alcides Chiesa
Cast · Daniel Kuzniecka | Diego Mesaglio | Mario Adorf
Camera · Victor González
Sound · Paul Oberle | Jorge Stavropulosh
Editing · Andrea Wenzler
Music · Osvaldo Montes
Production · Malena Films | Telefilm Saar (Germany) | Chelko Producciones (Argentina)
Producers · Martin Buchhorn | Jeanine Meerapfel | Alcides Chiesa
Awards | Film Festivals
1. Drehbuchpreis des Saarländischen Rundfunks | Germany
William-Dieterle-Filmpreis · Ludwigshafen | Germany
Festivals (selection)
Havanna FF | Cuba · Competition
Bogotá FF | Colombia
Puerto Rico FF
Huelva FF | Spain
Istanbul FF | Turkey
London FF | England
Cartagena de las Indias FF | Colombia
München FF | Germany
Göteborg FF | Schweden
Saarbrücken FF | Germany
Atlanta FF | USA
Washington FF | USA
Santa Monica FF | USA
Montreal FF | Canada
Belgrad FF | Yugoslavia
Gramado FF | Brasil
Triest FF | Italy
Retrospective · Innsbruck FF | Austria
Distribution in Germany · Deutsche Kinemathek · filmverleih@deutsche-kinemathek.de
World Sales · Malena Filmproduktion info@malenafilm.com
Distribution DVD · www.goodmovies.de (DVD Edition – a selection of Jeanine Meerapfel’s films)
VoD · www.alleskino.de
Press reviews
„Amigomío, like most good films, is about several things at the same time. One of them is a dramatic environment. The obvious thing the American continent offers writers and film-makers, in both its northern and southern versions, is the land itself, all that space, all that scenery… Amigomío, set in the Proceso years, is a story about flight, a young man and his small son fleeing from Buenos Aires across Argentina, its northern provinces, across the border into Bolivia and on through Perú to Ecuador. What they encounter along the way, seen through the windows of trains and buses, is deserts and snow-capped mountains, strange mountain people and a strange mountain sickness. All filmed in a matter-of-fact documentary style that enhances rather than detracts from the inherent strangeness…. Not the least of the film’s merits is to have maintained narrative flow against a constantly changing background. This is done through the realationship between Carlos and Amigomío. Carlos, more aware of the dangers, always looking for a prudent way out of trouble. Teaching his son all he knows the best way he can, the ways fathers do. And Amigomío, with his child’s daring and child’s ignorance… If most new local films were up to this standard, we’d be talking about an Argentine renaissance.”
Julian Cooper- Buenos Aires Herald- 11.06.94